Our message on Coronavirus: Let us emerge from this crisis as a kinder, safer world
Wherever you are, we hope that you and your loved ones are well. We send our love and solidarity to those who are hurting as a result of the coronavirus crisis and express our deep appreciation of all the healthcare workers and those working in essential services for keeping us safe.
We are all in this together. In these challenging and uncertain times, we all have a part to play in supporting each other and ensuring we emerge from this crisis as a kinder, safer world.
A key part of our work at Australia Tibet Council is to protect Tibetan culture based on compassion and tell the truth about the Chinese government and its actions in Tibet, China and around the world. You might have read about China’s Ministry of Propaganda ramping up its efforts to control the narrative on the coronavirus as questions are raised over whether China could have prevented or, at the least, reduced the severity of this crisis had it been honest and transparent with its own citizens and the global community in the crucial early days of the outbreak in Wuhan (see some recent stories below).
Our work has never felt more important.
The coronavirus is affecting us all. None of us know how long this will last. But we do know that nothing, including this crisis, is permanent and that it is compassion, thoughtfulness, and care for one another, whether towards our neighbours or those on the other side of the planet, that is going to get us through.
Needless to say, an organisation like ours will face a very difficult year ahead as a result of the coronavirus crisis. Right now, the safety of our team, members, supporters and the Tibetan communities are of utmost importance. We have put all our campaign and fundraisings activities that involve physical gatherings on hold.
But we cannot stop our vital work for Tibet. We are determined to ensure that our work continues by being more innovative. For instance, our signature project, Tibet Lobby Day, is going to look quite different as we switch gears to host online meetings with politicians across the country.
Even as we work to maintain the necessary physical distance between us, communities are coming together in creative ways. In fact, in many ways we have the opportunity to be more connected than in the past. In that spirit, we will be working to bring you some new opportunities to connect with one another, to learn about Tibetan culture, and to support the Tibetan people. Fancy an online Tibetan cooking show? An online meditation class? Let us know your ideas!
But we must also be frank. As a small, member-supported not-for-profit organisation with very limited resources, we expect the coming months and inevitable economic downturn to present an existential challenge to our organisation, and many others. We thank you from our hearts for sticking with us. And express our deep gratitude to anyone who is able to step up their contribution to help us get through to the other side.
Please make a donation if you can.
Together we will get through this. And in these unprecedented times, there is only one thing about which we can be certain: The world that emerges from this crisis will not be the same as today’s world. Let’s do what we can to make it a kinder, safer world for all.